WHAT WE SEECASH SKIMMING Cash skimming is one of the most common types of fraud in the hospitality industry. Front desk associates and bartenders...
HOTEL FRAUD AND EMPLOYEE ABUSECOMMON FRAUD AT HOTEL FRONT DESKS Cash skimming is one of the most common types of fraud in the hospitality industry. Front desk...
WHY JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES MATTER?WHY DO JOB DESCRIPTIONS MATTER? Every employer should understand the importance of job descriptions and standard operating procedures...
WHY INTERNAL AUDITS ARE IMPORTANTHERE ARE SOME IMPORTANT REASONS INTERNAL AUDITS ARE IMPORTANT Provides objective insight By providing an independent and unbiased view,...
BARTENDER FRAUD AND ABUSEThe most common bartender ways to cheat are: Ringing up a custom, underpriced drink in the POS and pocketing the difference Over pouring...
HOSPITALITY PAYROLL FRAUD AND PREVENTIONHOSPITALITY PAYROLL FRAUD: Payroll Fraud is a form of asset misappropriation that involves the theft of cash through a company’s payroll...
FRAUD ON THE RISE IN HOSPITALITYMOST COMMON HOTEL FRAUDS: Credit Card Fraud - credit card fraud can take many forms and can be perpetrated by either an insider...
AUDITORS BACK ON THE ROADInternal Audits are among the types of business travel expected to resume in 2022. The most likely reasons for travel include use cases...
5 Reasons Why Internal Audits are Important5 Reasons Why Internal Audits are Important: Provides objective insight. Improves efficiency of operations. Evaluates risks and protects...